Pastor Wife Gift - 3D Crystal Scallops Plaque (026)-Design A
Thank You!
Lady Rachel Adams
Our deepest thanks and gratitude for
being that wonderful person who always
was willing to extend her helping hand.
She is clothed in strength and dignity and
she laughs without fear of the future.
Proverbs 31:25
A gift from your community!
Jan 3rd, 2015
Pastor Wife Gift - 3D Crystal Scallops Plaque (026)-Design B
Our First Lady
Lady Tina Smith
For all the years of service, dedication,
and love given freely to all without measure.
We thank you!
Pastor Wife Gift - 3D Crystal Scallops Plaque (026)-Design C
Happy Birthday
Lady Margret Little
Thank you for your tireless
service, your outstanding
dedication, your endless love,
and for inspiring the hearts of
so many in this congregation.
May 2nd, 2016
A gift from your church family
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