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Volume Purchase

Partner with us!

We can customize crystals to meet client’s needs for volume purchase of Color or Laser Photo Crystals even though we may not display these crystal products on our website. In addition, we offer significant volume purchase discounts.

Standard procedures for any volume purchase orders of more than or equal to $1000:

Step 1:
Clients place an order or send a P.O. along with necessary images and amount of $150 (credit card or check) for prototype fee.
Step 2:
We will email an electronic proof in 5 business days upon the receipt of the purchase order, images, and payment of prototype fee.
Step 3:
Prototype is made and shipped to client in 7-10 business days upon image approval.
Step 4:
Products will be manufactured and shipped out in about 5-6 weeks upon the client’s approval and the receipt of the deposit (60% of total cost).
Step 5:
The remaining balance of the order must be received before the products are shipped out.

For orders of less than $1000, 100% of payment must be made before the products are manufactured.

Please email to for further questions.

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